早上7点半出发,前往随后返回至南半球最长之长堤:巴瑟顿(Busselton)小鎮,在这停留1小時,欣赏海岸线长堤(Busselton Jetty)之美,据说宫崎骏的 ´神隐少女”就是参考这 Jetty, 如同童话世界一样,看不见尽头的长堤,别有一般惬意。乘坐棧橋小火車沿著這個長堤一直走向大海,印度洋的海水就在腳下,風景如畫。之後前往著名的葡萄酒重鎮-玛格丽特河(Margaret River) ,在風景優美的酒庄品酒和午餐。餐后前往波然普森林, 置身于高達60米,樹齡100年以上的Karri樹林中,感受原始自然的森林景色。15点到达澳洲最西南角灯塔-卢文海角灯塔(Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse),地面欣赏灯塔之美,也可见印度洋和南大洋之交汇处,此灯塔至今照明守护了澳洲海岸线上最繁忙的海岸交通,故提供服务给全世界航海船员。18点离开结束大自然景观之旅,返回珀斯。21点前酒店休息。
Margaret River Day Tour departs from Perth at 07:30. First stop is famous Busselton Jetty, just sit back and relax while the train driver takes you on a 1.7 km journey across the calm, clear waters of Geographe Bay. After that, you can expect to taste great wines and delicious winery lunch in Margaret River. Then, you will ahead to Boranup Forest which full of giant karri trees to explore the natural and beauty. Next, you will arrive Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse where the Southern and Indian Oceans meet and the most south-westerly point of Australia around 15:00 and take the significant pictures. You will start the return journey and arrive Perth CBD around 19:30.