早上8点半前出发,前往市内最大的国王公园(Kings Park),座落于伊莱山(Mt. Eliza)之上,有最棒的自然观景台,俯瞰全珀斯市全景和天鹅湖的最佳位置。广大的绿色草原和壮丽的树林中,耸立着一颗750年树龄的澳洲猴面包树(BoabTree),来自西北澳的金伯利地区喔!园内另有壮立的1929年战争纪念碑和天梯等。接着11点出发至西澳最古老的葡萄酒产区-天鹅河谷( Swan Valley)。在这有让你享受美食美酒的熏陶,高级精品酒庄Sandalford Wines品酒(Winery)之旅,试喝自酿葡萄酒,有着最古老的1890年葡萄藤。甜苦的巧克力屋(Margaret River Chocolate Factory),免费试吃三种口味的巧克力,爱不离手。 香醇的咖啡屋(Yahave Koffeeworks),享受不同品种咖啡之香。 奶味浓香的澳洲牛轧糖厂 (Nougat Factory),试吃不同独特口味,入口柔软不沾牙。再来到小蜜蜂厂 (House of Honey),试吃蜂蜜甜而不腻,这也有着自制蜂蜜酒和蜂蜜冰淇淋的伴手好礼。一条充满酒香美食飘逸的村庄,让你有满载而归的满足。下午喜爱动物的朋友们开心了,参观凯维森野生动物园(Caversham Wildlife Park),欣赏无尾熊、白袋 鼠、袋熊、剪羊毛秀表演等。 17点半前行程结束,返回酒店休息。
The journey starts at 8:30, first destination is the biggest city park in the world: Kings Park. Then ahead to Swan Valley which has the longest wine making history in Western Australia. You can taste different wine in Sadalford Wines. In Margaret River Chocolate Factory, you can view the process of making chocolate and taste tree flavours of chocolate. Next place is Yahave Koffeeworks which has variety options of coffee. Also, you will go taste nougat at the Nougat Factory and taste honey made from local flowers on at the House of Honey. In the afternoon, you will arrive at Caversham Wildlife Park, here you can see and touch the Koalas, Kangaroos and watch other Australian animals. There is also a farm show you can enjoy whilst at the Caversham Wildlife Park. The Swan Valley Day Tour will finish around 17:30.